Email address
Company details
Coram International BV
T +31(0)40 2809890
M +31(0)611646580
High quality water
Coram International is the parent company of a large number of operating companies and the owner of several leading brands, such as Sealskin, Geesa and Tiger. Coram International was set up in 1983. It is active in the sanitary market worldwide and strives to be the market leader in Europe.
Coram has a rich history – some parts of the company were founded in the 18th century. The main emphasis, however, has always been on innovation. Coram acquired the company Dinotec several years ago, for example who focuses on advanced and high quality water technologies.
Coram International /Dinotec’s role within the 2g@there Port & Corridor Cooperation is the following; The first aim of our participation in the consortium is to share our knowledge by getting municipalities and other (governmental) parties up to date with their knowledge on water disinfection. We would like to school and train local authorities on the subject of the importance of water disinfection. In addition we therefor link our products to the knowledge shared. We will be working with South African companies in reference to training, installation and commissioning.
The second aim is introducing our shower water recycling techniques in reference to the growing demand for drinking water as well as the scarcity of drinking water which is used to shower with. This system provides major drinking water savings. Our manner of doing business is sustainable and its completely in the project whereas we are working together, to get there with South African companies. Sharing knowledge and doing business together.