Email address
Company details
Westerstraat 252-254
1015 MT Amsterdam
T +31 (0) 20 520 5280
F +31 (0) 20 520 5289
Campaign, training
and media strategy
BKB develops campaigns for the government, businesses and social organizations. A campaign can be composed of various more or less self-contained components, such as a thorough research or a focused campaign concept, an effective media strategy or a well-attended event. BKB has built up an extensive network and can therefore mobilise the right people to develop an idea. This often leads to inspired and inspiring crossovers, for example between culture and politics, sports and science, public and private.
Lennart Booij, Alex Klusman and Erik van Bruggen founded BKB in 1999. In 2000, the BKB Academy was set up to foster the talent of ambitious young people. BKB has two partner companies: Anker Solutions, BKB’s research arm and BKB Africa that operates out of Cape Town, South Africa. BKB also sponsors numerous social initiatives, but also takes the initiative itself. The best way to get to know BKB is to take a look at a few typical BKB projects on Or even better, visit our office on Westerstraat.
You are always welcome!
Within he 2g@there Port & Corridor Cooperation BKB is involved
in overall communication of goals and ambitions, stakeholders
analyses and local capacity building by training.