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Company details
T +31 (0) 10 453 86 81
F +31 (0) 10 453 87 55
C +31 (0) 6 129 692 41
Economic Research
and Consulting
Ecorys is a leading European research and consultancy company with app. 560 staff and 16 permanent offices in 11 countries, providing sound analysis and inspiring ideas. Our mission is to improve public policy worldwide. Ecorys works on local, regional, national and international levels with clients in the public, private and profit sectors.
We are organised in seven knowledge areas:
Our services include Research, surveys and policy advice, Institutional and capacity development, Communication, creative services and events, Financial advisory services, Programme management and realisation, and Monitoring and evaluation.
As one of the main initiators Ecorys prepared the overall internationalisation strategy of the 2g@there programme and set up a programme management unit in Saldanha Bay that was active for one year. During this year Ecorys carried out a baseline skills audit in the municipality, advised on a possible integrated port- and back-of-port development plan for the region, and facilitated some of the 2g@there members in carrying out their market studies. Ecorys was responsible for the study visit of a South African delegation to the port of Sohar (Oman) and the Netherlands, including senior representatives of Transnet, and the three tiers of government.
Ecorys is setting up a company with local partners with a drive to accelerate economic and industrial development and job creation.