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Railway tender in Mozambique

The Mozambique Port & Railways has recently published an invitation for pre-qualification bid for the rehabilitation, modernization and expansion of railway lines in Maputo in the newspaper. The organization intends to contract railway consultancy companies for the Ressano Gracia Railways line, Maputo Port and Matola Railway yards and Gare de Mercadorias railway yards in the

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Namibia: development of new deep-water port

Article by Engineering A new deep-water port is being proposed for development some 25 km north of Swakopmund, in Namibia, with the primary focus on the import and export of bulk materials. Project developer Gecko Namibia MD Phillip Ellis said a dedicated bulk handling facility was fast becoming essential for the country. The Port of Walvis

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Port & Industrial Zone Development expertise exchanged

South African and Dutch Port & Corridor specialists exchanged expertise in the Rotterdam and Amsterdam area to further develop sustainable relations in this fast developing and ever-innovative sector. Between 27 and 30 November 2012 SANEC welcomed several public and private South African stakeholders to the Netherlands. Amongst other parties, the South African Department of Trade

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DHV ondertekent contract Maputo International Airport

Het Mozambikaanse luchthavenbedrijf ADM heeft op 27 december 2012 een contract getekend met het Nederlandse adviesbureau DHV voor het herstel van de landingsbaan, taxibanen, platforms en het verlichtingssysteem van de luchthaven van Maputo. Volgens de voorzitter van de raad van bestuur van ADM, Manuel Veterano, moeten de details van het project binnen zes maanden worden

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2012 Integrated Transnet report

Recently an interesting report has been published by Transnet, which is important to anyone in the field of Port & Corridor development. You can download the report accordingly. The 2012 Integrated report (the Report) covers the period 1 April 2011 to 31 March 2012 and provides an overview of Transnet SOC Ltd (Transnet/the Company/the Group).

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